The Machete Therapy

Anne-Marie is in Belize, doing some field-work, including chasing jaguars with specially trained dogs (scat-sniffers). Although electricity is rare and sporadic, she manages occasionally to post a quick dispatch on her blog. I wish I was there to see her (and those of you who have met her at the Science Blogging Conference may also have a hard time imagining the scene, as she is so nice and gentle) indulging herself in Machete Therapy:

I have discovered the wonders of Machete Therapy. If you have anything bothering you, stressing you out, weighing on your mind, just take on 100 m transects of jungle with a machete. It is astoundingly cathartic. Not sure what this says about me?

For us here back in the civilization, would hedge-trimming do?

One response to “The Machete Therapy

  1. Evil Monkey hacked down some of our pine branches (thickness easily of a human arm) with one of his swords; not quite a machete, but close. Not quite a hedge, but looked pretty therapeutic to me…