ScienceWriters2013 – great program in Gainsville in November.

ScienceWriters 2013 conference, organized jointly by National Association of Science Writers (NASW) and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW), will be held this year on November 1-5, 2013, on the campus of The University of Florida in Gainesville.

You can follow the event on Twitter by following @sciencewriters and the hashtag #sciwri13.

The official Schedule was just released, and it is, as usual, a fantastic lineup of lectures, workshops and panels. Just check out the list of speakers!

As I have been over the past few years, I will be involved this year as well. I am a co-organizer of two sessions during the NASW professional development day:

On Saturday, November 2nd, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm:

A view from the future

In our new, rapidly changing media ecosystem, it is easier than ever to write about science — but harder than ever to be heard above the din, to build a reputation, and to make a living. How are science writers and journalists adapting to these shifting rules? Links, documents, data and transcripts, in addition to quotes, are expected by readers. How do today’s science writers use these ingredients to establish trust with online-only readers? How important is the brand name of the media organization vs. the byline of the writer? With researchers now able to directly communicate with the public, how has the role of the writer changed? These panelists, who occupy different niches within the Web-based media ecosystem, have successfully adapted to the new “rules,” and are helping shape the future of science communication. Twitter hashtag for this session is #vftf13.


Bora Zivkovic, Blogs editor, Scientific American.
Deborah Blum, Author; professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Nadia Drake, Reporter, Wired


Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato, Editor, EverydayHealth
Kelly Poe, Reporter, Greensboro News & Record
Cassie Rodenberg, Freelance, blogger at Scientific American
Julianne Wyrick, Student, UGA Program for Health and Medical Reporting


On Saturday, November 2nd, 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm:

Rising above the noise: Using statistics-based reporting

Science writers must produce written, audio or visual stories that capture and hold the attention of a reader/listener/viewer. With so much information just one “swipe” away, editors and consumers are demanding stories that stay fresh and relevant long after the initial post. The one-word solution to such predicaments? Statistics. In this session, science writers with deep backgrounds in mathematics will provide key takeaways attendees can use immediately to help their stories rise above the noise. The takeaways will include: necessary vocabulary for talking about statistics, a framework for understanding how numbers can be manipulated, a checklist to ensure quality data, and, not least, examples of stories built solidly with statistics. Statistics is not a “catch-phrase” for serious journalism. It is key for better reporting and better story-telling.


Kathleen Raven, Freelance journalist,
Bora Zivkovic, Blogs editor, Scientific American.


Kathleen Raven, Freelance journalist


Hilda Bastian, Blogger & editor, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Institutes of Health
Evelyn Lamb, Mathematician & writer, Scientific American
Regina Nuzzo, Freelance journalist & associate professor of statistics, Gallaudet University
John Allen Paulos, Author & mathematics professor, Temple University


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