The Open Laboratory 2010 – now up for sale!

You kept submitting your posts all year long and watching, every Monday, to see which other posts were also entered.

Then we closed the submission form.

Then we made you wait a month of “electoral silence” while the judges went through three rounds of judging, until we finally announced which 50 essays, plus poems and cartoons, made it into print.

Then we announced the gorgeous new cover art.

New guest editor? Soon, be patient…

But now – what you have been waiting for so long – The Open Laboratory 2010, the collection of best writing on science blog for the year, is finally up for sale!

Buy one for yourself, one for your significant other, one for each family member, one for each pet (including all those on the internet who are dogs but we don’t know they are, and of course all the LOLcats), one each for as many neighbors, friends and colleagues you can think of, and a copy for the local library πŸ˜‰

Thank you Jason Goldman for a fantastic job ushering this project through all year round, to Andrea Kuszewski for the cover design, and to Blake Stacey for doing all the technical stuff with LaTeX and formatting and such. Thank you to all the judges who read hundreds of posts. And thank you to all of you for submitting your posts, spreading the word about the project and supporting it throughout the years.